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DHI Hair Transplant

What is the Dhi Hair Transplant?

Dhi Hair Transplant, choi Implanter pen is a proprietary instrument that is used to implant hair follicles into the scalp without first making any incisions. Hair follicles are carefully removed one by one from the donor region, which is often the back of the head, during the harvesting process.

The harvested hair follicles are stored in a solution at a controlled temperature to promote their growth once implanted. Using the Choi Implanter Pen, hair follicles are surgically inserted into the balding region. For the implanted hair to develop normally and to the required density, each hair follicle is put at a precise depth, angle, and direction.

Because no incisions or channels need to be created in the scalp beforehand dhi hair transplant has the added benefit of minimizing stress to the scalp and protecting the hair follicles from accidental harm. As a result, the transplanted hairs may have a better chance of surviving and end up looking more natural.

DHI, like other hair transplant methods, is only as effective as the surgeon performing the treatment. As of my most recent check, it’s best to get the latest and greatest information from a licensed medical expert. DHI is easily distinguished by its signature usage of the innovative Choi Implanter Pen. With this device, the doctor may avoid making incisions in the scalp in order to transplant hair follicles.

With the use of this tool, the surgeon may precisely control the depth, angle, and orientation of each hair follicle implanted, creating a more natural look. In addition, the DHI method strives to reduce the length of time the hair follicles are exposed to the environment. Some further thoughts on DHI are as follows.

DHI may lead to a quicker recovery period and less post-operative pain than other hair transplant treatments since it is less intrusive than other methods. DHI may be more costly than other hair transplant techniques because of the amount of accuracy and experience needed.

If your hair loss is hereditary, the surgery will not prevent further thinning or balding. In the future, medical procedures and transplants may be necessary for upkeep.
